
Eurasian Cyberspaces – New vulnerabilities, Legislative frameworks, Informative struggles – 82p



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Cybercrime, image damage, espionage, sabotage, phishing, virus, denial of service, ransomware, this is a whole vocabulary that is now part of our daily life as internet users!!! However, it remains quite vague for a majority of users who struggle to understand what all these terms cover exactly, how it all works and how to protect themselves from these various threats.

The war in Ukraine has put these various cyber-threats back in the spotlight, but above all the geopolitical approach to these issues by raising various trends: attempts to territorialize cyberspace or technological decoupling and the question of digital sovereignty ; varying national dependencies on the supply of semiconductors and rare metals or on data storage or connection to various cables; the question of the international legal arsenal and the judicial responses to be put in place; the question of the information struggle, the dissemination of dangerous narratives for the fragile democratic balances, and the democratization of access to spy tools…

All these questions are addressed in this dossier through articles or interviews with research specialists and/or cybersecurity professionals. A file also embellished with geopolitical maps allowing to take stock of the situations in the Eurasian space.

It will not be a question here of what some already call a “cyber-war” between Ukraine and Russia, which is already widely covered elsewhere, but rather of giving the keys to a general understanding of the geopolitical issues of the cyber while focusing on lesser-known cyber-spaces such as Pakistan, Iran or the Arctic.

EurasiaPeace invites you here to return in an explanatory way to the new cyber-vulnerabilities, before presenting the legal model of the EU compared to that of Central Asia, before opening up to two little-known cyberspaces, that of Iran and that of Pakistan. A supplement is also offered to you through a fascinating interview with a specialist in Arctic cyberspace and its new challenges.