
Ukrainian domestic policy – Update on 14/03/2024

The files we follow: Ukrainian domestic policy; Foreign policy and domestic policy of Belarus; Foreign policy of the Balkan countries and their relations with the EU; Ukraine – EU / NATO relationship; Security and political situation in the Ukrainian area.

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According to the press release of the Office of the President of Ukraine, on March 14, Ukraine and Latvia have started negotiations, the aim of which is to conclude a bilateral security agreement.

The signing of bilateral security agreements with Ukraine was decided at the G7 summit in July 2023. On July 12, the G7 countries (the United States, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Italy and Great Britain), together with the European Union, adopted a statement of support for Ukraine with security guarantees on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius. They promised to provide Ukraine with weapons, military equipment and economic assistance. Subsequently, Ukraine decided to sign specific bilateral agreements with each of its allies.

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