
Ukrainian domestic policy – Update on 16/04/2024

The files we follow: Ukrainian domestic policy; Foreign policy and domestic policy of Belarus; Foreign policy of the Balkan countries and their relations with the EU.

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The Ukrainian Parliament adopted, on the 11th of April 2024, a bill on military mobilization in the second and final reading. 283 MPs out of 450 voted in favor of the document.

The first version of the bill was submitted to Parliament in the last days of December. After a wave of criticism of the document, this draft was sent back to the government for revision. The new version, examined for several weeks in the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, was submitted to the Parliament on April 6, 2024. The bill must be signed by the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament and then forwarded to the President for signature. The document will come into force one month after signing by the head of state.

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