
Russian diplomacy in Africa and Asia – Update on 04/03/24

The files we follow: Russian diplomacy in Africa and Asia; History, culture, society and Russian soft power; North Caucasus: politics, society and human rights.

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From the 21st to the 22nd of February, the Russian Ministry of Foreign affairs took part in the G20 Ministerial meeting, chaired this year by Brazil. During the exchanges between the various delegations, Sergey Lavrov took a stance in favour of Global South countries (which include, as an example, Africa and a large part of Asia), and has defended a redistribution of the IMF and the World Bank’s funds, which should be more advantageous for developing countries. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign affairs has stressed the importance of the various regional organisations (such as the African Union, a G20 member since 2023) in international discussions, by celebrating the loss of Western influence on these institutions.

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