
Argentina Foreign Policy – Situation update as of 03/04/2024

The electoral triumph of ultraliberal candidate Javier Milei, in Argentina in early December 2023 is synonymous with upheaval in the Argentine political landscape.

Indeed, the result of this election is unprecedented given the political allegiance of the winner: it is the first time that an openly libertarian candidate has been elected at the head of a country, putting an end to decades of Peronism in Argentina. Javier Milei trained as an economist and has experienced a meteoric rise since 2018. Known for his controversial opinions and often radical positions, Javier Milei acts as a UFO in the Argentine political landscape, breaking pre-established codes. This election is the symbol of a widely shared weariness among the Argentine population, the victim of inflation of 211% in 2023. The comparison with the Argentine golden age of the early 20th century is explicit. This downgrading is even more revealing when we compare the GDP per capita between Argentina and Switzerland: at the same level in the 1940s, Switzerland now has a GDP per capita 7 times higher than that of Argentina.

By electing Javier Milei, Argentines are hoping for radical change to revive the country’s economy. As soon as he took office, the new president kept his promise and put in place a series of measures to stop the bleeding. Since coming to power almost two months ago, President Javier Milei has implemented a set of economic and deregulatory reforms in Argentina.

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