
Russian diplomacy in Africa and Asia – Update on 22/03/24

The files we follow: Russian diplomacy in Africa and Asia; History, culture, society and Russian soft power; North Caucasus: politics, society and human rights.

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From the 15th to the 17th of March, a new Presidential election took place in Russia. Vladimir Putin was re-elected by a landslide, but these results have sparked a large number of negative reactions in the West. However, as the France 24 newspaper reported on the 18th of March, the results have been welcomed in Africa and Asia. Algeria, a large part of the Sahel and South Africa, which are all very close to Russia, have congratulated the Russian President for his re-election. The same can be said for the anti-Western bloc, composed of Iran, China and North Korea, which have all publically endorsed Vladimir Putin’s new term.

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