Frédérique Longuet-Marx is an anthropologist and has been conducting field research in the Muslim Caucasus since the 1980s. Teacher in sociology and anthropology at the University of Caen, in charge of a seminar on Caucasian Muslims at INALCO then at EHESS, she is an associate researcher at CETOBAC. She published in 2003 “Tchétchénie, la guerre jusqu’au dernier?”
In October 2022, she published a very personal book retracing her journey as an anthropologist frequenting the North Caucasus for more than 40 years, from her first childhood discoveries of Leningrad during the Soviet period to her most recent fieldwork in Dagestan and in the whole of the North Caucasus.
MUST READ! Chroniques caucasiennes 1967 – 2019 – Editions du Croquant