
Iran Geopolitical Watch – from 28 January to 3 February 2023

Geopolitical watch team Iran / Afghanistan / Pakistan: Daniel Marco and Marie Corcelle

This week: Mossad behind Isfahan blast?, Iran: Hundreds injured, 3 dead in 5.9 magnitude earthquake, Pakistan: Peshawar mosque suicide bombing kills 92 , New US sanctions against the Taliban, Iranian weapons bound for Yemen seized by France and the United States.


28/ 01/28/2023: Mossad behind the explosion in Isfahan? – Marie Corcelle –

An attack by three drones is said to have targeted a military installation producing ballistic missiles in Isfahan (northern Iran) during the night of 28 January. According to the regime’s press agencies (Nournews, Islamic Republic News Agency), those responsible are to be found in Iraqi Kurdistan. The northern region of Iraq has already been bombed for several months by

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Central Asia Geopolitical Watch – From 28 January to 03 February 2023