
Humanitarian, development aid and Human Rights – Update on 13/05/23

The files we follow : Multi-vector policies in Central Asia; Mongolia; Central Asia/South-East Asia relations; New Silk Roads;  Resources, energy, raw materials and environment; Security, Defence and Border Conflicts; Humanitarian, development aid and Human Rights; Kyrgyz, Tajik and Turkmen internal policy; Other forms of international cooperation in the area;  Culture and religions…

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Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate to the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, visited Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan between 2 and 6 May accompanied by a French delegation, reports the website of the French Foreign Ministry. These two visits follow the visit of the two Central Asian Presidents to Paris last November where they were received by President Emmanuel Macron.

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