The files we follow: China in the Indo-Pacific; Chinese Defence and Taiwan Strait; China and the Middle East; Chinese economic strategies and tendencies…
NB: the author in charge of the “Chinese Defense and the Taiwan Strait” watch will soon change identity – it will no longer be Anna Balawender, but Antoine Vernes, who has just joined our team and to whom we extend a warm welcome! The former author will be taking over the “China’s Engagement in the Middle East” watch, which readers are very welcome to discover in a few weeks.
– Police cooperation between China and Fiji resumes
Fiji’s Minister of Home Affairs, Pio Tikoduadua, announced on March 16 the resumption of an internal security agreement between China and his government. The agreement had been put on hold in December 2022, shortly after Fiji’s last government reshuffle, at which time the government justified its decision by citing “differences between the policing systems, investigation and legal systems” of the two States.
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