
Chinese economic trends – Update as of 02/14/2024

The files we follow: China in the Indo-Pacific; Chinese Defence and Taiwan Strait; Chinese economic strategies and tendencies ; China and Eastern Europe… 


– Red Sea tensions detrimental to Chinese world trade

The resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, triggered by the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, has once again upset stability in the Middle East. Since then, new powers have intervened, destabilizing maritime traffic in the region and weakening the Chinese economy.

The Houthis, a group of Yemeni rebels backed by Iran and claiming to support the Palestinian cause, have orchestrated a conflagration in the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, a key passage point for goods from Asia, notably China, by launching rockets into Israel.

The American fleet and its allies are now confronting the rebels in the strait, in support of Israel.

The escalation in the Red Sea is detrimental to Beijing, which sees a significant proportion of its goods transiting to Europe – estimated at 60% before the conflict broke out.

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