
China Geopolitical Watch – From 11 March to 17 March 2023

Watch contributors: Thomas Taochy, Protasius Isyudanto, Marie Corcelle, Emilien Kauffman, supervised by Anna Balawender

The files we follow: China’s relations with the United States, Russia, Central Asia and Africa; Taiwan situation, Chinese military expansion and demonstrations in the South China Sea; News of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the Chinese involvement with and within the major international organizations.


– China – Russia and Central Asia Relations, Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia – Emilien Kauffmann

– On March 1, 2023, Presidents Lukashenko and Ping held talks. In the face of the unstable international situation, China affirmed its readiness to cooperate with Belarus to promote the collaborative development of bilateral relations. Belarus and China are working together within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or New Silk Road, including the recent construction of a freight train connecting China to Europe. In addition, the two countries wish to deepen their exchanges in medical and health cooperation as well as to strengthen cultural exchanges between the two peoples.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently congratulated his counterpart Xi Jinping on his election to the Chinese presidency, which took place on March 10, 2023. He said that the strategies on economic and social development

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