
Central Asia Geopolitical Watch – From 21 January to 27 January 2023

Central Asia Watch Team : Lucien Moreels, Alexiane Pradier, Audrey Colin, Alexandre Brière, Sophie Marc, Maxime Delaye and Julie Eifler-Bolander.

23/01/2023 :  Vote in the first reading of the draft of the new constitutional law “On the state language” in Kyrgyzstan – Alexiane Pradier.

On 23 January, the Jorgoku Kenesh organised a voting session regarding the revision of the constitutional law “On the state language” according to the Kyrgyz media This choice to replace the applicable law was initiated at the end of November 2021 by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and was then developed by the National Commission for the State Language as stated on the website handled by the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic. The bill involves making the Kyrgyz language the state language. The Russian language would be kept as one of the official languages of the country but wouldn’t be used anymore in numerous strategic fields as the reference language.

It is important to notify that this bill is being debated between the experts. Indeed, for many of them like the political observer Alexander Ilyaev, the Russian language is playing a significant role as an “important integration mediator” in the international field. This statement provided on the website seems legitimate since the Representative of the Diaspora of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian Federation assures on the website that the use of Russian language “by default” is the reason why Kyrgyz migrants are “in a better position in Russia than immigrants from other countries of Central Asia”. Numerous questions add up to those arguments regarding the implementation of this constitutional law in the educational system and the impact of such a revision on diplomatic relations with Russia. Indeed, recently, Russia accepted to handle the building process of nine new schools in Kyrgyzstan in which students “will be taught according to the educational standards of the two countries” and directors will be “appointed by the Russian side” according to the deputy Dastan Bekeshev whose statement was shared the Kyrgyz media

24/01/2023 : Signing of a Memorandum finalizing the Air Transport Agreement between Mongolia and the United States – Julie Eifler-Bolander.

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