
EU-Balkan relations; External policies of Kosovo, Serbia and Albania – Update on 12/06/23

The issues we follow: Ukrainian domestic politics; Ukraine and the Ukraine/Russia conflict resolution process; Belarusian foreign policy, Russian army in Belarus and Belarus-Ukraine relations; Unified Transitional Cabinet of Free Belarus and Belarusian Diaspora; Belarusian domestic politics and political prisoners; Security situation in Ukraine; Political situation in Crimea and the “Donbass republics” in the context of the war in Ukraine; Situation in Transnistria/Moldova; EU-Balkan relations; External policies of Kosovo, Serbia and Albania; Human rights and the fight against corruption in Eastern Europe; Energy, nuclear and renewable energy issues in Eastern Europe.

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Kosovo-Serbia tensions

Tensions in the North of Kosovo, following the election of Albanian mayors in Serb-majority regions, are still ongoing. The Guardian reports that the European Union and some of its member states used the European Political Community conference in Chisinau, on the 1st of June, to promote dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. French and German leaders asked Kosovo to organize new elections in the regions concerned in order to de-escalate tensions. During a meeting with the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, and the EU Special Representative for Dialogue, Miroslav Lajčák, the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, stated that new elections could be held in the regions if the legal framework and the democratic rights of the populations concerned were respected.

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