
Geopolitics of transboundary water resources – Update as of 11/12/24

The files we follow: Geopolitics of transboundary water resources, France-Japan diplomatic relations

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In December 2024, the journal Hérodote published a special issue exploring the growing tensions surrounding water management in France and Europe, within a context where climate change is exacerbating pressures on this vital resource. The increasing frequency of prolonged droughts and floods highlights the fragility of water management systems, sparking both local and transboundary conflicts.

In France, debates over mégabassines illustrate these tensions. These artificial reservoirs, designed to collect groundwater during the winter for irrigation purposes in the summer, have deeply divided society. For farmers, they represent an essential solution to water scarcity. However, for environmentalists and parts of the population, they symbolize an unfair appropriation of resources at the expense of ecosystems and collective needs. In 2024, the Poitou-Charentes region became the scene of intense protests, marked by violent clashes between opponents, farmers, and law enforcement. These tensions reflect broader disagreements on how agriculture should adapt to climate change.

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